About Me

Recent graduate of Texas Tech University. I am now working for the "man" and hating it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Very Fascinating Video

I had never heard this guy speak until today and I am a huge fan already.  Check out this video.  It is a little long but well worth it.


I could not agree more.  Can you imagine what society could accomplish if everyone spent a little less time watching Real Housewives of Wherethefuckever, The Bachelor/ette, or Jersey Shore and instead created something valuable. 

I'm not saying everyone should stop watching TV, all though I don't think that would be a bad thing.  I understand the fact that sitting in front of the TV has a calming, meditative effect on a lot of people.  I watch my share of TV as well.  However, instead of coming home from work and posting up on the couch with your Snuggie until its time to go to bed, if everyone took a little break to create something useful to themselves or others, think about the exponential effect on society that would have. 

Just sayin.  This guy is really on to something.  I disagree on the World of Warcraft thing.  That is NOT doing something.